Friday, 17 December 2010

Nan gets a make over

Nan the Van is in for a Christmas treat. In a bid to beat the VAT rise in January, I plucked up the courage to run Nan down to my trusty garage in town and get the bloke to have a good look around. I'd spotted a bit of rot on the off side sill and, knowing that to be an MOT failure, thought I might as well have the whole jolly lot sorted at the same time (besides, our pals 'The Middletons' are having their van done up this winter and We wouldn't want to let the side down come our annual Easter run out!).

All in all it's not in bad nick for a 31 year old machine. The panel over the near side front wheel is about the biggest chunk of metal that Fraser (in the picture) is welding on. Apparently the bloke who had it before was pretty handy with the filler!

Most pleased with the progress so far, another week and the welding should be complete, then it's raid the piggybank time for a respray! More pics to follow!